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Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Cat's Cradle

Cat's Cradle can be considered a postmodern text because of its critique of modernism values such as progress leading towards a Utopian society. In Cat's Cradle, a scientist at the General and Foundry says that with the development of the A-bomb science has met sin. If the purpose of science was to lead towards a Utopia, sin was not a desired outcome. It also highlights that the use of research conducted is not always as pure as was intended by the developer. Vonnegut believes that the search for the final progress that leads to a Utopian society is a never ending search. Cat's Cradle also appraised the religious conformity the Bokononists have. Vonnegut believes that while there may not be any science behind the religion, the religion and myths are what make the people happy and does not confuse them.

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